Policy Update: November 2023

CALTCM’s Public Policy Committee (Policy & Professional Services Committee) has been very busy!  

On September 1st CMS put out a proposed rule on “Minimum Staffing Standards to Enhance Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes.”  CALTCM’s Board recently approved an Expert Summary Statement while working on comprehensive comments.  Our commitment to high quality care has always been our north star, and these recent efforts build on work we have been doing since the beginning of the pandemic.  Our White Paper on Nursing Home Staffing was actually referenced in the Abt Nursing Home Staffing Study Comprehensive Report, where we were erroneously (although not entirely inaccurately)  listed as a “consumer advocacy organization.” Our letter to Secretary Becerra and Administrator Brooks-LaSure in March received a response over the summer, click here to view the response letter

Similarly, our work related to nursing home ownership transparency also continues.  Our letter in March to Secretary Becerra and Administrator Brooks-LaSure also received a response in June, click here to view the response letter.  SB 650, the Nursing Home related party transparency bill that we conceptualized and championed is finally being implemented.  CALTCM continues to provide expert guidance to HCAI in relation to this important issue.

The committee has discussed numerous other issues and remains engaged in looking at proposed bills.  We also continue to maintain ongoing regular discussions with CDPH, DHCS and CDSS.  At the national level we continue to interact with CMS and the CDC, along with AMDA.  Our Leadership & Management in Geriatrics (LMG) Infection Prevention and Control Leadership Program is a product of CDC Strike Team funding and is a result of the many relationships we have developed over the past few years.

Lisa Grod and I have been working to restructure the Policy & Professional Services Committee to allow it to be more nimble and effective.  We welcome your input and are always looking for additional volunteers.

Michael R. Wasserman, MD, CMD
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