
Dan Osterweil, MD, CMD, FACP | CALTCM President

Dear CALTCM members and friends,
It is hard to believe that another year has almost passed. Long Term Care however is an ever changing and dynamic field. We at CALTCM feel that the future may be challenging however we believe that with a collaborative effort between providers, government and the community we can overcome the hardships and deliver better service and outcomes.

Proposed CMS Pharmacy Consultant Rule Change Won’t Fix a Thing!

Karl Steinberg, MD, CMD | Immediate Past President, CALTCM

In early October, CMS released a set of proposed new rules governing Medicare Part D-related issues, including relationships among pharmacies, pharmacists and other entities.  There is a 60-day period for open comments and concerns to be submitted before a final rule is promulgated.   You can read and comment on the full text of the proposed rule here.

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